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描述: SCP-2577是一部名为Frozen Steel“冻结钢铁”的系列纪录片,于2005年开始在视频平台和小型实业媒体陆续发布。据称,SCP-2577记录了SCP-2577-A工作人员的日常生活以及工作。SCP-2577-A是一处退役船坞,似位于俄罗斯西伯利亚联邦管区███████, 用以回收处理自二十世纪早期到二十世纪中期的军舰。 SCP-2577-A由一座中央指挥塔和数个营区组成,营区周边的坞道为平整密集的苔原修整而成,总面积达██平方千米。舰艇被运送至坞道的方式在纪录片中从未提及,它们通常以超过900千米/时的速度沿弹道嵌入坞道中。

SCP-2577极为详细地介绍了进行回收作业的人员面临的极端危险。回收人员负责剥离船只表面的有价值材料,拆解并报废船体,在可能的情况下还负责修复坞道,时刻面临着身处于每天降落在SCP-2577-A的超过███艘舰艇中某一艘的弹道轨迹上的威胁。 在SCP-2577中出现的个别舰艇的名称或代号不匹配任何已知舰艇,此外,船只进入SCP-2577-A的速度已经远超记录以来的俄罗斯舰艇的退役和建造速度。



Anton小队和Odin小队争分夺秒地 and Team Odin race against time to remove the flight deck from the perilously listing Admiral Nikolai Yezhov. Demolition charges may allow them to shed the dead weight and stabilize the hull, but failure could collapse the ship into unrecoverable slag.
Meanwhile, Misha and Team Dva continue to lose men and equipment to the labyrinthine wreck of the hospital-ship Sankt-Iakov. All of their work comes to naught as the incoming submarine TK-455 collides with the converted freighter, reducing her to a shattered heap.

SCP-2577 appears to have been funded, directed, and narrated by American actor Ron Perlman. Perlman is revealed in director’s commentary in a home blu-ray release to have a deep admiration and personal connection to SCP-2577-A, stating that he corresponds regularly with the operators, identifying rare items salvaged from the hulks and returning them free of charge.

Perlman and other individuals credited in SCP-2577 have failed to provide any further information on the documentary, and have been amnesticized and released following interviews. In spite of Perlman’s stated ignorance of the project and lack of qualifications as an antiquarian, MTF Alpha-4 annually intercepts approximately ██ tons of assorted naval equipment addressed to him for appraisal. Notable confiscated objects are listed in Document SCP-2577-1.

Aerial and satellite surveillance of the area believed to contain SCP-2577-A has proven inconclusive, and overland approaches have failed to locate the facility. Investigation into West Siberian steel production and former GRU-P revenue stream D-584 (Codename: Садко) is ongoing.

Document SCP-2577-1: Items purportedly originating from SCP-2577-A

Document SCP-2577-2: Select portions of the 19██ IA Report on Anomalous Revenue Practices in the GRU-P

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